Children in our office

We believe that a child should have their first dental visit within 6 months of them getting their first tooth or before they reach their first birthday. Recent studies are showing that by the age of three, a child is already at risk of having cavities which can be caused by something  as innocent as putting a baby to sleep with a bottle of juice or milk.

How can Early Childhood Caries be prevented

To prevent dental decay in the teeth of very young children, don’t let your baby fall asleep with a bottle of juice or milk in his/her mouth. Also be sure and wipe the baby's teeth and gums with a clean, damp cloth after feeding. Preventing oral disease in children starts with good dental care habits. Children are really never too young to learn how to care for their teeth. Children should have their teeth brushed or be helped to brush their teeth at least twice a day.

Get snack smart with your kids

Limit the number of times a day your child eats or drinks sugars.
Avoid sugary treats that stay in the mouth for a long time like hard candy or lollipops. Avoid soft, sticky sweets that get stuck in your child’s teeth. Serve sweets for dessert while there is still plenty of saliva in your child’s mouth to wash away the sugars. Serve juice and milk during or at the end of mealtime. Drink water between meals. Serve vegetables, cheese, nuts or seeds for snacks. Have your child brush her teeth at least twice a day and before going to bed.

When should I begin cleaning my child's teeth ?

Once your child's teeth begin erupting, you can begin cleaning them by wiping them with a moist washcloth. As your child gets more teeth, you can begin to use a soft child's toothbrush. You should use just a pea-size amount of a fluoride toothpaste or a non-fluoride toothpaste (like Baby OraGel) until your child is able to spit it out (too much fluoride can stain their teeth).

Children often injure their teeth

Causing them to become cracked or chipped or more seriously, completely knocked out. If your child's tooth is knocked out, you should place it in a glass of milk. You can also replace it in its socket in older, cooperative children. Also place a gauze over the area that was injured and take your child to a dentist or emergency room as soon as possible after the injury. If attended to quickly, the tooth may be able to be replaced and re-implanted.

Children Health Guide

A page of helpful information about your child dental health and its implications.

Learn more